Wall Worm
Wall Worm Pro Pack
Wall Worm Pro Pack is the complete collection of Wall Worm plugins and tools to take your level desi..
This scripted plugin for 3ds Max 2016+ will weld the map vertices of the target channel, makin..
Auto Snap Mode
This MAXScript function will force your current snap mode to always be 2D/2.5D in standard orthograp..
Delete Faces Modifier
This product is also included in Wall Worm Pro Pack. If you use Wall Worm, you..
This product is also included in Wall Worm Pro Pack. If you use Wall Worm, you shoul..
Arch Primitive
The Arch Primitive allows you to build arch geometry that is safe to export as world geometry in the..
Normal Tools
This product is also included in Wall Worm Pro Pack. If you use Wall Worm, you shoul..
Anatomy of a Design Team
This short PDF details the Source Engine Pipeline when working on a team with others. Click th..
Hammered to the Max
This free E-Book can help Hammer users become accustomed to some of the methods and workfl..
Wall Worm Free
Wall Worm Free is the free version of Wall Worm classically referred to as Wall Worm Model Tool..
SnapVertsToGrid is a geometry modifier that moves all vertices in the object to the closest grid poi..